A1 Level Syllabus:
Introduction to French alphabets (Consonants &Vowels), phonetics & pronunciation
Using basic expressions of greetings and farewell, introducing oneself & others in
formal and informal situations
Overview of French numbers, seasons, months, days of the week etc.,
Interacting with people in day to day scenario. For ex: Interact with shopkeepers,
sales executives, vendors etc.,
Learning vocabulary related to family, relationships, household items etc.,
Identifying and naming countries, places, nationalities in French. Describe things
and people using colour, shapes
Writing post cards, letters, emails explaining personal experiences during vacations,
holidays etc.,
Inviting someone or accepting / rejecting to an invitation
Reading and understanding simple sentences and text clearly
Grammar : Introduction to Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions;
Tenses – Simple present, Simple past/Imperative, Future and Imperative
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