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Learn Maths and Science with Our Tutors

Supercharge your academic journey! Join our Math and science Tuitions for expert guidance, interactive learning, and a direct path to success.

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what we offer ?

let's find out, what we offering to you

At Eclassopedia, we believe that education is the key to a brighter future, and we are committed to providing the best tutor for math and science that meets the unique needs of every student.

learning with expert

Mastering skills through guidance from knowledgeable individuals.

learning anywhere

Flexible learning for tuition, anywhere, anytime, any subject.

flexible classes

Adaptable tutoring, Flexibility tailored to your needs.

Adaptive Teaching

Dynamic, student-centered, flexible, data-driven,

Choose Course Plan

8 Sessions

$ 70 Per Month
  • Demo: 1 Demo
  • Fee Payment: Advance
  • Validity: 1 Month
  • Study Material (Up to 8 Work Sheets & Assignments)
  • Homework Help
  • Doubt Clearing Session
  • Exam Pro Tips
  • Report Card: Monthly
  • Parents Teacher Meet: After 3 Months
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12 Sessions

$ 102 Per Month
  • Demo: 1 Demo
  • Fee Payment: Advance
  • Validity: 1 Month
  • Study Material (Up to 12 Work Sheets & Assignments)
  • Homework Help
  • Doubt Clearing Session
  • Exam Pro Tips
  • Report Card: Monthly
  • Parents Teacher Meet: After 3 Months
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60 Sessions

$ 450 Per Course
  • Demo: Up to 2 Demo
  • Fee Payment: Advance/ Installment (up to 2)
  • Validity: 1 Year
  • Study Material (Up to 75 Work Sheets & Assignments)
  • Homework Help
  • Doubt Clearing Session
  • Exam Pro Tips
  • Report Card: Monthly
  • Parents Teacher Meet: Monthly
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why choice us ?

we are trusted by many student & non student

Trusted by countless students and non-students alike, a reliable choice for many seeking excellence and support.

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What Student/Parents says

I have been learning Hindi for past 2 years in Eclassopedia, my teacher Puja Bagrecha has been an amazing teacher and she has really helped me understand this topic . My skills have improved and i have really learned to understand hindi

Shriya Muralidhar Arkansas, usa

I have been taking classes with Ms. Puja and she has helped me with literature especially. My teacher have also noticed how much I have improved in the subject .

Areeb Manchester

My teachers have helped me to keep up to the curriculum standards and helped me secure and sustain good grades in my tests.

Athreya Venkatesh Paris

Thank you Eclassopedia for teaching me Hindi , I am loving my classes

Ishan Ravi Prasad Bengaluru

My grades have enhanced after I have started taking classes from Eclassopedia

Aryan Ravi Prasad Bengaluru

I am taking English classes from year 4 from Ms. Puja and it has benefitted me immensely and has helped me secure good marks in school exams

Riyan Manchester, UK

Thank you Eclassopedia for helping me develop my character . Since the time I have started my classes my grades have become better

Olivia USA

I have been a student of Eclassopedia for past a year , I am finding the sessions to be very beneficial as they have helped me get higher grades

Veer USA

Since joining Eclassopedia, Lewis has moved up in maths and overcome the areas he struggled with. Highly recommend!

Lewis UK

I have recently enrolled for lessons with Eclassopedia and so far it has been amazing . I am studying physics from Ms. Renu and she has enriched my knowledge in physics immediately.

Bhawna Kumar Nottingham UK

We took coaching for chemistry from Eclassopedia teacher. They are very professional and experienced. We didn’t feel any difficulty throughout the course period. I highly recommend this to everyone.

Vandana Rajan New Zeland

We have been using the Eclassopedia tutor service for 2 years now, for our daughter (Anna) who participates in advanced math classes and was struggling to keep up with the class. Tutor of Eclassopedia, has been very helpful in teaching our daughter what she needs to know.

Polly Licciardi USA

It was a really good experience since joining Eclassopedia. The tutor was exceptionally good. Tutor of Eclassopedia was very cooperative and patient with me and guided me throughout my studies. Thanks to Eclassopedia that I could come across such a good tutor and had a nice experience.

Hiba Wahab UAE

The tutors of Eclassopedia have been great so far and I have seen a good difference in Jude with this first month itself - I was amazed at how fast he was able to grasp the concepts with the tricks that his tutor has taught him - thank you so much

Jude USA

We have had an excellent experience with Eclassopedia. My child has Physics and Chemistry classes, and as a result, she achieved the 2nd highest grade in her class for triple Science exams.

Mickayla UK

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At Eclassopedia, we take pride in our professional support team. Our online tutoring platform is a women-led endeavour that has reached 50+ countries, with 800+ teachers and 5000+ students worldwide.

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The Role of an Online Science Tutor in Boosting STEM Education

The Role of an Online Science Tutor in Boosting STEM Education

The Role of an Online Science Tutor in Boosting STEM Education  STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education has emerged […]

Find a Private Tutor for Math, Science & Language – Expert Online Tutoring

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